There are a few changes that I’d like to test going forward. I’ll discuss my list, go over the rounds, and talk about what I’d do going forward.

There are a few changes that I’d like to test going forward. I’ll discuss my list, go over the rounds, and talk about what I’d do going forward.
Lincoln talks about GP Seattle, how his matches went, and about how good the food was, during the April 11-14 double Grand Prix weekend.
Lincoln finally plays the mirror match on MTGO, you will enjoy finding out what happens next.
Read about Lincoln and Eirik’s epic battle.
There are a few things to be concerned about when playing against this deck: , , a big pacing out the game, , and . Because BUG decks play so many efficient, value-oriented threats, you will probably want to be on the plan as early as is a sure kill, but if you can achieve…
Typically you can take your time to set up against this match, land an early , with counter-backup, and attempt to kill once the path is clear. You might even wait a turn after taking a look at their hand with . Now that is banned, and is less prevalent, your biggest concern is ,…
In my experience, control decks employing are a favorable matchup in which is generally very effective when recurred with . Stoneblade decks are threat-light, and like to run on three to four mana or more, so keeping them mana-constructed is an effective strategy. Some Stoneblade decks do play , so if you see basic lands,…
Wednesday before the tournament, I flew in with the rest of Team TopDecked (Mark Evans, David Riegel, Mike Howe, Bill Schlichting, and Mike Langas were all sporting TopDecked Tees). we unloaded in our hotel room, got some food at a local Thai restaurant where we promptly ran into Craig Wescoe and some of his friends. The food was great, but patronage was suspect 😉 After getting…